8 reasons for trademark registration
- Offers legal protection - much easier to prove the ownership in case of dispute;
- Attracts and retains loyal customers - Registered Trademarks enjoy bigger and better reputation by their customers, partners and suppliers;
- Having a registered trademark means a slightly improved negotiating position in case of Mergers&Aquisitions;
- Helps with diferentiation and positioning on the market for products/services;
- Enables strong foudation for building positive image of the company (branding);
- Owner of the registered Trademark is entilted to prevent third-parties from unauthorised useage of the brand;
- Enables its owner to expand the Trademark to foreign markets (international registration);
- Registered Trademark is a basis for keeping illegally manufactured goods/services out of the territory for which it has been registered (Customs and other measures).
Let us remind you that Trademark registration itself will not guarantee the successful branding. Trademark Registration should be a part of your Overall Intellectual Property Management strategy.